Optimize and Solve the Price!

9:06 PM

Imagine you are managing a well-known telephone company. As a manager, you have to inhibit cost effectiveness.

With all the materials you might have to handle for your company, I bet you'd also like to be able to minimize the cost of its construction.

Now, look at this:

A telephone wire is to be laid from the telephone company to an island 7 miles off shore at a cost of $200,000 per mile along the shore line and $300,000 per mile under the sea. 

How should the wire be laid at the least expensive cost if the distance along the shoreline is 12 miles? 
What is the cost? 

Let's find out.

(click the image to enlarge)

The wire should be laid at 6.261 miles. It should cost $3 965 247.58

Posted by: Michaela Jyra Melo 

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