Running Late? How to reach your destination as quickly as possible!

9:13 PM

Are you chronically late? Aleah is. She doesn’t want to be late, but she somehow ends up being ten minutes late every single time, mostly on her school days. You’d think the solution would be, “Just don’t be late.” But even when she tries her best, she's still running down the street, ten minutes behind.

But this time...
We'll help Aleah out on her usual route!

Aleah wants to get to the bus stop as quickly as possible. The bus stop is across a grassy park, 2000 feet west and 600 feet north of her starting position. Aleah can walk west along the edge of the park on the sidewalk at a speed of 6 ft/secShe can also travel though the grass in the park, but only at the rate of 4 ft/sec
What path will get her to the bus stop the fastest? 

Let's find out!

(click the image to enlarge)


1 463.344 feet is the fastest path to get aleah to the bus stop!

Posted by: Michaela Jyra Melo

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